Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Arslan Mehboob
2 min readApr 16, 2021

It seldom happens that you start reading the book and distractions not attract you. It happens to me that as long as I open the book, my brain start thinking of the 17 Facebook notifications, unread messages of WhatsApp, Instagram’s stories, unfinished Netflix’s series and so on. I try hard to bring my organ of veneration into the mood of study, then my lips start getting dry. I have to go for a glass of water, usually placed on the study table. After the having the water into my stomach, my large intestine starts remembering me of the toilet. After returning from toilet, my cell phone see my face with a sight of beggar. My heart melts down and I starts using social media. After the successive time wastage for an hour, I got tired and my bed appeals me to have some rest. This is the scenario during the study hours.

Pomodoro technique was applied by me earlier today, when I was attending the Amal lectures on the topic of Resume. I opened a website named as “Pomodoro Focus.” This web is effectively designed as a digital Pomodoro. I set the timer of 25 minutes and hit the start button. After the completion of 5 topics, alarm called that 25 minutes have been past. It was quiet surprising that no distraction attract me during that time.

I went outside the room in the lawn and walked for 2 minutes. After that I returned to my room and took some biscuits and again set the timer of 25 minutes. This time, my cell phone compelled me to use him, but I was having the goal in mind and time on screen. This thing forbid me to keep my hands away from the cell phone. In that 25 minutes, I was almost down with 81 percent of the online course.

The thing I have learnt from this technique is that this is quite focusing technique. In this way, a person keeps and eye on the timer and reminds the goal. This thing provides the person with energy and motivation to get the thing done. I have also installed the Pomodoro app in my cell phone. I am hopeful that I will get use to this technique in doing the study and other tasks. I hope this technique will increase my efficiency of work.

Pomodoro Focus



Arslan Mehboob

Student of Political Science at GC University, Lahore and Amal Fellow.